============================================================================= Àkura 0.9 Alpha Release Note February 15, 2012 ============================================================================= This is the first Release of Àkura. Features ================= • Student Module: The Student Module provides functionality to add/edit/delete student information in the system. It includes adding new students, searching for students, editing student details etc. I.e. student academic details, co-curricular details, assigning students to new classes, assigning subjects to students and adding students marks. • Staff Module: The Staff Module provides functionality to manage/maintain (add/edit/delete) staff related details, to allocate teachers to classes and specific subjects and also to appoint teachers as heads of different streams. • School Module: The School Module provides facilities to track information regarding the school. Including, the school address, principal and staff related details, school capacity, etc. • Reporting Module: The Reporting Module essentially provides the facility to generate various statistical and analytical reports related to students and teachers. E.g. the attendance, the student’s academic and co-curricular progress, etc. • Reference Module: The Reference Module handles (add/edit/delete) all the reference data of the system, such as grade details, subject details, location details, sports categories, club and society information, etc. ============================================================================= Àkura 1.0 Beta Release Note March 30, 2012 ============================================================================= New Features & Modifications ==================================== • Home Page: Displays current news and events. • Reference Module: Manage Seminars. Manage Sport Category. Manage Donation Type. Manage Classes. Manage Holidays. Manage Publications (events and news). Manage Study Medium. Manage Special Events. Manage Grade Subjects - differentiate between main and optional subjects. • Added the following user management functionalities: User search. Change password. Forgot password. Manage security questions. Lock accounts. Enable/disable/unlock accounts. • Student Module: Updated the Religious Activity tab with various categories and pre-defined comments in the drop-down list. Updated the Student Leave tab with a 'certificate submitted' checkbox, to track student absentees (medical certificate or letter from parent). Added an additional disciplinary action level to the Student Discipline tab and limited the View and Edit functions to privileges. Added Total marks and average marks fields to the student marks in the Academic Life tab and added a section for seminars. Edit/Delete operations of Faith Life/Academic Life/Co-Curricular tabs are limited to the current year and the Select Year drop-down list was altered to show the grade of the student. Updated the Message Board report to include Student Leave details. • Teacher Module: Teacher Leave handling. Add Teacher Core Subject and Medium. Include extracurricular activities of teachers. • The following reports were introduced to the Reporting Module: Per Day Class Wise Attendance. Teacher wise report including the number of present and absent days for given period. Student Details Summery (personal, academic, co-curricular, religious activities). Student Disciplinary Actions. List of Students - Class Wise. List of Class Teaches and Section Heads. Teacher Wise Attendance. Teachers Late Attendees. Student Wise Attendance. Student Late Attendees. View Student Absent/Present Report for Special Events. • Introduced an Attendance Module with the following features: Enter Student Attendance Manually. Enter Student Teacher Manually. Enter Students Attendance for Special Events. Schedule tasks for sync up attendance generated by the machine (figure print, card) for a given Excel output format. Known Issues ============ The current system fully caters to the schools within the Asian region. Further customization will be carried out within the next 2 - 3 months to cater to any other region within the globe. ============================================================================= Àkura 1.1 Beta Release Note May 02, 2012 ============================================================================= New Features & Modifications ==================================== • Introduced a caching feature for static content such as: .css, jpg, .js etc. • General bug fixes. ============================================================================= Àkura 2.0 Release Note June 29, 2012 ============================================================================= New Features & Modifications ==================================== • Reference Module: Manage Assignments. Manage Exams. Manage Exams Subjects. • User management functionalities will be transposed to a new module. Create a new system user (exists). User search (exists). Enable/disable/unlock accounts (exists). Create user roles, grant and revoke privileges (new) • Student Module: New Features: Enter Assignment Marks. Enter Exam Results. Updated Features: Academic Details page - View Assignment Marks. View Exam Results. Display Class and Grade Average for subjects within brackets in the Mark View section. Student Details Page - Made several fields optional, I.e. nationality, blood group, travel method, house, religion, city, admission date, date of birth, gender, address, is Old Boy flag. Added the following optional fields: parish, race, have siblings, sibling admission no). Added a link to the Student Summery report. Student Search - Updated the Advanced Search feature with `parent profession`. Display grade details in the search results grid. Student Term Marks page- Allow entering either a grade (A, B, C etc.) or a mark (70, 85 etc.) when entering sub term marks. Only the admin is allowed to Edit the entered marks. A confirmation message will be displayed prior to saving the marks. The TAB key is set to move down a row (for all subjects) when entering marks in the marks entry fields. Parent Details page - Added the optional field `Employment Status`. Attendance Report - The output format was altered, and it will open on the same page. Added the attendance percentage to the to the percentage graphs. By configuration the top percentage graphs can be turned off/on. • Staff Module: Staff Details page - Added several optional (non-mandatory) fields to the Teachers Profile page. I.e. Section, Date of Appointment, Nature of Appointment, Classification of Appointment, Service, class, Grade. Removed several mandatory fields from the Teachers Profile page – at present, the staff member registration no, last name and name with initials are mandatory. Sectional Head Allocation - The end date should be the last day of selected year (by default). Teacher Subject Allocation - Grade and subject are separated. Allocations will be carried out on a yearly basis. • Reporting Module: New Reports: Exam Results. Class Wise Mark Sheet. Grade Wise Price List. Daily Attendance filtered by staff category. Teacher Profile. Student Report Card. Updated reports: Student Summery report - includes assignment marks and exam marks. Class Wise Student Term Mark Evaluation report –altered the output format and input criteria. Per Day Class Wise Attendance report includes all the students and indicates whether each student was present or absent. • Introduced an auditing service Auditing framework. Added auditing functionality to several functions (student save, class assignment). Introduced a search and view audit log to the Reference Module. • Introduced Parent Role Parent login. View student profile and other student profile pages. Update parent details (a mail will be sent to the admin with the relevant details). Added a `Send Mail to Teachers ` function. • Internationalization Support: Manage District - Removed the dependency on Province. Manage Cities - Removed the dependency on District. House drop-down of Student Details (mandatory) - Set as optional. National ID number validation - Removed Sri Lanka specific validation. Telephone number (country code) validations are not included - Altered the validation to include a country code. Student Profile page - Select country (foreign students). Address – The mandatory drop-down menu to select the city was made non-mandatory and instead a text area was added for the address. • Localization Support Known Issues ============ • Several labels and messages are not supported in the localization. • Parent Details page: Users can only add or edit the NIC No/SSN No a maximum of three times. • An issue updating the parent-children relationship—it displays inaccurate child information in the parent's profiles. • Student Module: Does not display donation details without parent/guardian information. • Student Mark Entry pages (exam marks, assignment marks and term marks): If the subject name/ student name is too long, it may cause alignment Issues. • Edit Staff Profile page: When the system displays the validation message and the user clicks the `Reset` button, it redirects to the `Add New Staff Member` page. • Staff Module `Extra Curricular` page: When entering a `Sport` or `Seminar` it is limited to 45 characters. • When creating a user defined role and assigning privileges, they may have dependencies on other privileges. Therefore users have to select all other dependencies as well. ============================================================================= Àkura 2.1 Release Note July 13, 2012 ============================================================================= New Features & Modifications ==================================== • Added auditing functionality to the following functions. Student Mark Entry. Student Exam Marks Entry. Student Assignment Marks. • General bug fixes. ============================================================================= Àkura 2.2 Release Note July 31, 2012 ============================================================================= New Features & Modifications ==================================== • General bug fixes. ============================================================================= Àkura 2.3 Release Note September 21, 2012 ============================================================================= New Features & Modifications ==================================== • Reference Module: Manage Sections Manage Nature Manage Classification of the Appointment Manage Staff Service Category Manage Staff Leave Types Manage Country Manage Race Manage Civil Status Manage Warning Levels Manage Employment Status • Staff Module: Staff Leave Type integration. Section integration. New Search option to search for past teachers. Staff terminate functionality. Staff rejoin functionality. • Student Module with following features. Warning level integration. Known Issues ============ • An incorrect number of staff absentees is calculated under ’Summary’ in the ‘Per Day Staff Category Wise Attendance Report’. • When a staff member (academic or non- academic staff) applies for leave, the following modifications can be carried out by the individual: Previous year: Can edit and delete leaves. Current year: Can edit/delete leaves when the "Date From" and "Date To" are before the “Current Date". ============================================================================= Àkura 2.4 Release Note November 30, 2012 ============================================================================= New Features & Modifications ==================================== • Student Module: Introduced a new Search option to search for students by their status. I.e. Current Students, Past Students, etc. Added the following functionalities: Past Student, Temporary Leave, Suspend Student, Rejoin and Extend Temporary Leave to the student's behavior. Defined the Maximum Marks for 'grade subject' and updated the student marks entry and reports accordingly. Restricted the 'Marking Completed' privilege in the 'Marks Entry' page to the class teachers. Sorted the 'Student Name' list in alphabetical order according to the surname in the 'Add Students Marks' page. Restricted the functionality of the ‘Marking Completion’ check box and save process. After ‘Marking Completion’ check box is checked in the ‘Add Students Marks’ page, the check box cannot be unchecked if the information is saved. • Staff Module: Introduced the Staff Leave approval process. • Reporting Module: Introduced the 'Annual Student Attendance' Report. Added list boxes in the 'Student Summary Report' for users to select required records. • User Management Module: Improved password creation and strength. • Attendance Module: Introduced a new Search criteria, 'Registration No' in the 'Staff Attendance' page. • Reference Module: Introduced a new Reference module structure. • General: Integrated a new help page structure. Known Issues ============ • Disciplinary page: The Add button disappears if a student is absent on the current date. Therefore unable to add new disciplinary actions for the student for the back date on the current date. • Edit Grade Subject panel: When displaying a validation message, the grade and selected subjects are not displayed. • Once a term mark for a particular grade class is entered, you cannot assign optional subjects for new students who have been assigned to the same class in the same year. • If an optional subject is assigned to a student enrolled in a grade class for a future year, completed marks of the same grade class of the current year are cleared and it affects the student term marks related reports. ============================================================================= Àkura 2.5 Release Note February 14, 2013 ============================================================================= New Features & Modifications ==================================== • Reporting Module: Introduced a new report "Grade Wise Best Student Attendance Report" to get the best student attendance details in school. The best attandance report for students can be generated by selecting different Grade, Class, Month and Year. • Attendance Module: Introduced a new attendance gamification for students, in the attendance dashboard, the best student attendance in school will be shown to the users. Best attendance for Grade, Class, Month and Year can be searched by selecting different search criteria. • General: General bug fixes and minor enhancements. The appliaction is tested for cross browser compatibility in Chrome 16.0.1+ and IE 8+ Known Issues ============ • Rejoined teachers are not allowed to allocate to the same Grade, class, year and subject, which teacher was in before the termination. • Incomplete term marks of the past student get deleted from the “Student Mark Entry” page, but student record is not removed from the same page. • Annual student attendance report, present days percentage values are incorrect. • Existing holidays cannot be edited, user need to enter a separate holiday from the system. ============================================================================= Àkura 2.6 Release Note April 4, 2013 ============================================================================= New Features & Modifications ==================================== • Student Module: In "Student Class Assignment", the list of students that are loaded into the “Students in” column shows their “Name with initials” and “Admission No” instead of the full name. In the same page students that are already promoted to a new class are marked as promoted in the search results. The student search is refined to increase performance, and also updates have been done to the student search result view, to show the student admission number. • Staff Module: Added a new text field to the staff profile (only for academic staff) to reflect their “INTEREST(S)” which would give the Management staff more flexibility to find a teacher for a particular task. Added a new text field called "Insurance Policy details"; to hold the staff insurance policy details. Added a new section called "In Case of Emergency" to staff details; which has "Name", "Phone (Res)", and “Phone (Mob) fields. • School Module: "No. of Staff" and "No. of Students" fields in the school details page will be automatically filled according to the number of students and the number of staff members in the system. • Reporting Module: Customize Staff Profile Report - Users can select the items to be added to the report. Student Report Card - List of subjects are sorted alphabetically and the remarks column is moved to the end. Student Scholarship Report - Introduced a new report "Student Scholarship Report" to get the list of students who are entitled for a particular scholarship. • General: The telephone number fields in the school details page, staff details page, student details page and parent details page are modified to get the country code from a drop down. • Reference Module: Manage Subject - A new field that represents the subject code is added (The code that is given for a particular subject through the department of education) Manage Scholarship - A new field that represents the cost/sponsorship of a scholarship is added. Known Issues ============ • When adding a new scholarship with an existing Scholarship name, system displays the validation message "Scholarship already exists. Please add another ", after that when user tries to enter a new scholarship by filling the same form that has already been opened, system doesn't allow to add. • Duplicate exam index numbers are allowed for students in different classes of the same grade • Student term Marks & Sub term Marks are not changed according to the modified max mark entered from Grade Subjects for following reports Student Summery report Grade Wise Student Term Marks Evaluation Grade Wise Term Marks Graph Class Wise Student Marks Sheet Prize List • Section Head records will be removed from the system, once the user gets terminated. • When user unchecks a mandatory subject (Marks should be entered and completed for this particular subject for at least one term) and clicks on the save button in the student subjects assignment, the system shows the validation message, “Sorry term marks entries are already completed”, but the system doesn’t allow to enter marks for that particular subject for a different term (The relevant box for mark entry is disabled) in the Student mark entry. ============================================================================= Àkura 2.7 Release Note April 24, 2013 ============================================================================= New Features & Modifications ==================================== • Student Module: All pages in the student module where full name was shown have been updated to show the student name with initials. • Staff Module: All pages in the staff module where full name was shown have been updated to show the staff member name with initials. • Reporting Module: All drop downs in the Reporting module where name was shown have been updated to show both the admission number and the name with initials. List of updated reports Student Summary Report Student Report Card Exam Results Report Student Wise Attendance Report Staff profile report Staff Wise Attendance Report All reports are updated to show the name with initials instead of full name. Known Issues ============ • Surname with initials having 45 characters will be partially displayed in some reports and in the Student Class Assignment. • User entered data for "Registration No." field in the Student Wise Attendance Report page will be cleared when an error occurs during report generation. • Admission Number drop down and Registration Number drop down are not sorted in Staff Profile Report page, Student Report Card page and Class Wise Students Report page. • In Class Teacher Allocation , System displays more than one teacher allocated for a particular class for a particular year when previously allocated teacher for the same grade class rejoins. • Some reports are not generated properly in IE 9(version 9.0.8112.16421)